Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Boba Fett Interview, Part 2

Second half of the interview I did for the Boba Fett fan club is up here.


eponymous said...

And my favorite part of the interview is the last line...

"As to what's upcoming, I'm finishing a series I started 20 years ago."


AndySocial said...

Does that mean what I think it means? I'm betting the "30 volume" CT is never going to reach that optimistic length, but some further adventures of Trent would be VERY appreciated.

Sean Fagan said...

You know, I'm more interested in what happens with the Name Storyteller, and Camber. And why the Zaradin all left. And why it's called the "Continuing Time."

Unknown said...

The last line got to me too...

Daniel Keys Moran said...

I'm writing 4 hours a week, roughly -- 10 hours some weeks, sometimes I get half a day on Sundays.

I'm working on AI War and nothing but (well, except for posts here.) As I nail down chunks of the book, I'll say so here.

The odds of my ever finishing 30 volumes of the CT is small. Maybe if I live past 80 and am mentally alert the whole way.