Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Topaz AI Gigapixel, version 4.0. I've been watching this tech for a while -- it's finally reached the point where it's going to make some noise. There may never be a genuinely clean version of Bab5, from source -- but just looking at this, there's no real reason this won't at some point be able to produce upsized copies that are quite watchable. Ditto for Doctor Who.

You may have to click through to compare quality on the images. For some reason the Bab 5 images came through split, but in each case the source is the first image, the upsized the second.




Clyde said...

Oh evil man. Now you have given me an itch to watch B5 again.

GRR said...

There are other (low-level?) efforts to improve on the B5 video quality. Here's a sample from scanned film masters:

And here's an animator's HD rerenders of some FX sequences:

Daniel Keys Moran said...
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Daniel Keys Moran said...

Greg -- I've been following the (fumbling) efforts to redo B5. So far nothing much impressive, though AI upsizing looks promising to me. The link you gave isn't film scans, it's just top-quality NTSC off a laserdisc -- but even that's worth doing. Recut from source NTSC, if that's the best available, and then upsize? I'd pay for that, and it wouldn't be that expensive.